Tuesday 22 July 2014

10 Running Tidbits

1.  FUEL: Shot Bloks, GU, Energy Chews, Candy or Other?
Well, I haven't really used many of these types of fuel yet. I've only gone a maximum of 10 KM at one time. But of the ones I have tried so far I'd have to say i've taken a liking to the Sport Jelly Beans. My favourite were the berry pomegranate ones (I think, they were burgundy and tasted great!). I'm not a huge fan of the Gu stuff, so my mind has made up, but I will try these out on longer runs. When I get there :)
2.  Race Length: 5K, 10K, 1/2 Marathon, Marathon, Ultra or Other?
I’ve only ever run one 10 KM and 1 5 Miler (8 KM) race. And i'd have to say it really depends on your course. I loved doing my flat 10 KM run but I hated my cart path Angus Glen 5 Miler (8 KM). Partially because the time of day, partially because the hilliness of the course. But I'd still have to say I enjoy running the 10 KM. I haven't ran a 1/2 YET! But I hope to someday!
3.  Workout Bottoms: Skirts, Running Shorts, Capris, Pants, or Other?
If it's a bit chilly i'll wear capri's, otherwise I like wearing my spandex-y running shorts. Aka, booty shorts. They are short but the material doesn't gather in-between my legs like my other shorts do. End of story!
4.  Sports Drink: Gatorade, Powerade, Cytomax, you stick to water when you run or Other?
I've occasionally had some gatorade in my water bottles during longer runs, but i've been told NOT to eat gel's at the same time or you might get pains in your stomach. However, i'm a straight water kinda gal.
5.  Running temperatures: HOT or COLD?
COLD! I've run in some hot weather and those are trying runs. But I also have only been running since April so I haven't hit the frozen season yet. 
6.  Running Shoe Brands: Saucony, Mizuno, Nike, Brooks, Asics, or Other?
I LOVE the colours that Nike brings out in their styles of shoes but I've been fitted for Brook's shoes and I LOVE them. They are a bit wider and make my feet happy when I run. However, once I hit the 8 KM mark occasionally my toes go a bit achy/tingly at the negative space underneath them. Not quite sure why this is yet!
7.  Pre-Race Meal: Oatmeal. Bagel, Banana, Eggs, Cereal or Other?
Probably oatmeal, because I know it isn't too heavy nor will it bother my stomach. However, and I hate to say this, I'm a 'don't eat before you go anywhere or do anything' kinda gal due to my stomach issues. 'No food in your stomach, no problems' is kind of how I think of it mentally. If i'm really hungry I'd maybe say some cereal or toast with PB.
8.  Rest Days: 1x per week, 2x per week, never ever ever or Other?
I used to try and go every other day, or every day if I could handle it. However, lately with my stomach acting up I've been trying to go whenever I feel I can. But I'd like to run at least every other day if I could.
9.  Music: Have to have it or go without it?
HAVE to have it! It keeps me going, even if it is background music. A bunch of country, a few 'Rock My Run' mixes, some high intensity beats, a mumble jumble of all that really. But I definitely have never run without any music. I think I'd get bored if I didn't have it!
10.  #1 reason for running: stress-relief, endorphins, you love to race, so you can eat all the cupcakes you want, weight-loss, love running for social reasons or other?
I'm someone who thrives off of prizes, sadly, and I love the idea of doing health things for my body. So, I'd have to say that I love the whole race idea (even though it stresses my stomach out)! I have yet to use running as a form of stress relief or weight loss. So probably a mix between loving to race and doing it to better my health. :) 

Sunday 20 July 2014

Warrior Dash

Yesterday I did the Warrior Dash at Horseshoe Valley in Barrie and it was the hardest run I've done thus far! My stomach wasn't the greatest but I made it through! It's 5 KM of running with multiple obstacles that required endurance and upper body strength. Both of which I need to work on, apparently! It was a TON of fun and i'd definitely recommend doing it with a group of people you know so that you can cheer each other on or help each other out. I'd like to do this race with Doug next year potentially. I did it with Alison and Brittany this year. At first I was hesitant to sign up (i'm not very fond of ponds of water) but I signed up at the last minute (paying about $100 to enter it) trying to tough out my fears. In the end we didn't end up going through a single body of water, just up and down multiple ski hills and difficult obstacles.

Here's a picture of us before the run...
During the race...
Some of the costumes were...um.....interesting!
Running through fire...
 And finally finishing!!!
The last obstacle was to run through a mud pit under barbed wire. We had fun with that and Alison ended up falling in too. Afterwards firemen sprayed us down with water.

With our registration to the event we got a free beer afterwards. I was pretty hungry too so I bought a whole Turkey Leg ($7.00). Well worth it I might say!

 I had a blast even though I am extremely sore today (the day after). Here is what we got for registering: a hat, t-shirt, bib number and race medal complete with bottle opener. :)
I'd definitely do this again and recommend anyone who wants to try it to just do it. It took us about 1:00:00 to do the whole course. I'd say I'm a warrior after that. :)
A special shout out goes over to my friend Meghan for cheering me on slash 'holding all my stuff while I ran the race' :p. She took some great pictures, which I wouldn't have without her being there, and I appreciate her coming and being my 'mom' for the afternoon, lol. Thanks girlie!

Friday 18 July 2014

Angus Glen 5 Miler

Man oh man this was a tough one. When we signed up for the 5 miler or 8km run we regretted it the next day. Next year I think we will do the 3 miler. Lol. Don't get me wrong the corse was beautiful, the race kit was awesome too but it was a tough go. I've done maybe one run where it involved a hill and I wanted to completely bail, but I ran with my mom and we helped each other through it. We didn't stick to our 4 and 1 pace but we finished and that's all we wanted to do. This was a very hilly course with several steep inclines. It also sucked that it was done at 6:00 pm in the heat of hte day. I'd rather it be raining to be honest! My time was 1:02:25 and I'm happy about that all considering. I ran the lat 0.8 km by myself ahead of my mom, who finished with 1:03:29.

Here are my terrible running pictures. I wish I were more photogenic!

After we got bottles of water and bananas wih our medal and went on to have a lovely BBQ (salad and burgers or hot dogs with a pop and chips). I'd do it again, just the shorter one! Here's our bling!
This year was an anniversary year for The Angus Glen race so our medals featured bottle openers. How helpful!

I finished 24th in my age group and 162 overall (our of 188, lol).

Thursday 17 July 2014

It's been a while!!

So it's definitely been a while since my last post. An it's been over a week since I've ran. Gahhh! The reason is because after my scope on July 7th I've been flared up with my Colitis. Great timing with the summer being here and all!!! What can you do. Anyways. So that's slowed me down with my running. However, I've got to kick it inp full gear with he Angus Glen Five Miler tomorrow night and the Warrior Dash on Saturday!

Tonight I went to get my race it for the Five Miler and here's what we got! 
Quite a few goodies I might add! I'm running it with my mom, who recently had an assessed molar pulled two days ago, so I hope we both make it to the finish line in one piece! I'll let you know how it goes!

Friday 4 July 2014

"Cause we can't stop, and we won't stop"

Well I guess Miley said it right! After getting back into running with my mom this week, and it feels good I might add, I don't want to stop. Yes I don't feel like getting up at 6:30 to run at 7 every other morning, but I'll do it. Looking back at my times that I gradually got up to when I started running were much better. This could be because a) I built up the stamina or B) I'm running slower with my mom. She says B, but I think A. Anyways, the point is I'm back at it. It's nice to have company to run with that is at my pace and ability right now. Yes she has done a half marathon but running is definitely not something you can just stop doing for 4-6 months then jump back into right away.

Mom and I just signed up to do the Angus Glen 5 Miler. It works out to be an 8 KM cart path in the middle of the summer but we can do it. I hope!

Wish us luck!

Just updated my future events page!