Sunday 10 May 2015

Sporting Life 10 KM

It was a year ago today that I registered and ran my first race ever! I trained for it in just over a month and finished in 1:07:18. I thought that was an okay time. I ran it by myself, as my mom was away on a vacation, and tried to pace myself as best I could.

This year I decided to run the Sporting Life 10 KM run in support of Camp Ooch again. However, I was in good company with my mom alongside me. I hadn't ran as far before this race this year slash winter, so I knew what I was in for. But with my mom's recent second foot surgery with this past winter, she was equally out of shape as I was. My dad picked our race kits up on the first day they were available (Tuesday) and we were ready (kind of) for our 10 K.

We left pretty early because we paid for and used the shuttle to the start line before the race. We left our house around 6:00 AM to get there for 7, and get on the bus for 7:00-7:15. My stomach was not up to par in the morning, which may or may not have involved a parking lot pit stop, but we were ready and on the bus by 7:05. The bus ride there took us about a half hour just about. It went on the 401 then down Yonge Street. As we approached the barrier to stop cars from travelling up Yonge Street, one bus pulled to the side to let off their runners. But seconds later it let our bus through and we were thrilled. This gave us almost a kilometre less of walking to do...up hill nonetheless! Anyways, we got off the bus...lined up at the first washrooms we saw (Wait till you get to Sporting life and use them there next time...seriously, there was a ton!) and then we waited. We had about an hour and a half wait between our bus ride and our corral starting (9:15 AM). Coincidentally, my mom's friends were also running and they spotted us amongst the 27'000 other people. I think they need to buy a lottery ticket just about. So we stuck with them and ended up chit chatting, taking selfies, then heading to the start line. It was 8:00 and we were getting bored of waiting, so we skipped up a few corral's and went off with the green corral at 8:40.

Mom and I knew we were going to be doing 4 and 1's due to our recent running capabilities, and it was hot out, so we knew we weren't going for a PB. The goal this time was to complete it. And that was just what we did! I started off with some pretty awesome calf cramps in both my legs that didn't go away until about the 4 KM mark. I drank some water, stretched it out briefly, and had some stingers in hopes that would do the trick. Our 4 and 1 slowed pace seemed to do the trick, even though I still felt pretty rough. It was about the 6 KM mark that mom and I made the executive decision to make a run for the washrooms as a McDonald's we were about to pass. Not worried about our time, we quickly ran in and out and went on our way.

On went our run, and we definitely had to slow our pace down quite a bit. It was about a 7:00 min/km pace to a 7:30 min/km average pace. At about the 8 KM point my mom's friend found us as she was lagging behind the other women, so we kept with her for the rest of the race since we knew we weren't wining the Camp Ooch 1st place medal. We finally got to the final stretch and made our way through the forever winding route of metal fences to get our bling! This year they were nice, big and pretty colourful!

When we got to the field I was starving. They offered us water, banana's, and bagels...look for the food signs next time. It was difficult and seemed a bit disorganized, but i guess that's kind of hard with 27'000 + people. The nice thing was the ample washrooms. I kind of wish there were more at the starting line and less at the finish! Oh well. After the pit stop we walked back to our car at Ontario Place and we made our way home.

Mom and I ended up finishing at about 1:17:42 (chip time of 1:19:06; i guess we spent 2 minutes in the bathroom at McDonalds!), not a PB but we did it and we did it together. That was a lovely mother's day activity we both can remember for later :) I'm lucky I get to do things like running with my mom. I hope to do many more races with her in the years to come!

Sunday 3 May 2015

Mississauga Marathon 5 KM Run with 'Guts To Run'

Tis' the weekend for the 'Mississauga Marathon'. Now to be clear, I did not run the marathon as I am not about to use 5 hours of my day moving my legs constantly. I'd prefer to use part of that time for a run and the remainder of the 4 hours sitting on the couch watching tv. It's all about moderation!

Friday afternoon after work I decided to pick up both my mom's and my race kits. If we hadn't picked up our rackets then we would have to pick them up by 3:00 PM on race day. We were told they weren't available at the run, though they were giving out bib's there. I'm not certain that they were giving out race kits then however. Anyways, I drove to the Port Credit Arena where I had to find a parking spot on the road, then I made my way into the arena. When I got in I began picking up some of the free stuff, and spun the running room wheel to win a 20% off coupon, to extend my extra swag from the race. Amongst the free stuff I got was some NButrience dog food (for Thatcher of course), protinis (which were quite good!), some slug slash garden bug traps and plant food, cold FX, and contact solution. Finally i made it through the winding route to get my bib, cotton 5 KM race shirt, and race kit. By this time my hands were full so I went back to get anything I missed. That's when I also decided to use my running room coupon to buy a nice new running jacket. I don't have one of my own, I often use my mom's purple one, so I bought a nice neon coral running jacket. Another motivator to run in the wind perhaps?! 

Here was what my goodie bag looked like. I was quite impressed with what we got. 

I did quite like the Mississauga Marathon 10KM, Half and Full Marathon shirts (which were all the same and were tech shirts). The women's were neon orange and grey, and the mens were royal blue and lime green. Both were quite appealing.

The next day, Saturday, I set up my race gear for my run. I participated in the Charity Challenge in support of Crohn's and Colitis - Peel. As you may or may not know, I have Ulcerative Colitis. So anything that support's raising money for the cause or helps people become aware of what it is is something I am interested in doing. We had a great team that was put together by Maria Gladden and Rob Trewartha. They really rooted us on and gave us great shirts too! This year they were purple this year. I already can't wait to see what colour they will be next year. That's a sign that I'll definitely be participating in this again :) So far our total money raised for CCFC is over $16'000. Which is fantastic! Way to go Guts To Run!

Around 3:30 we left for the hour trip to Mississauga and parked at the Community Centre on Cawthra when we got there. It was from there that there were ample shuttle busses lined up to take us to the starting line. The line ups for the washrooms in the arena were a bit lengthy, so note for next time...stop at Tim's or hold it until the starting line.

When we got to the starting line, we had about an hour, since the last busses for the 5 KM ended at 5:00 SHARP. At the starting line there were several washrooms with no line up, but were a little 'tippy' on the unloved land. They still did the job. We hung around enjoying the sunshine until about 5:30 where we gathered with our Guts To Run group for a group shot before our race.

6:00 came around and we were ready for the start. It was a bit of a chaotic start as there were no side barriers to prohibit runners from bottlenecking in through the starting gates. The run was a nice flat-is course with small short inclines, but nothing substantial. The run alongside the lake was beautiful and  provided us with a nice breeze. However, the swarms of what looked to be baby mosquitos were terrible! I should have held off on the pre-run protein bar because I'm certain I could have gotten my daily supply just from the mouthful of bugs alone! That's my biggest complaint about the race though. Overall it was a well organized and decent route. I enjoyed seeing several kids there with their family members, but I do wish they stuck to one side of the path or refrained from aimlessly weaving along the path for no reason.

The last kilometre of the race you look around an area of land that forms a bit of a bay and you are able to see the finish line from that point. It's a great way to motivate you to the end. At the end we received our medal, got our shoe chip device cut off and got a few goodies. I came away with a half a blueberry bagel, a box of organic wheat squares, a chocolate milk, some facial cleanser and moisturizer samples, a chocolate milk sponsored ice pack and towel, and a vector bar. I can confidently say this race didn't lack in the free stuff! Something I definitely appreciate! Here is what my two shirts, bib and medal looked like. :)

Anyone looking to do a race in around Mississauga, the 5 KM or even the 10 KM is one I'd recommend. I hope to do this run again but with the 10 KM perhaps, next year. I appreciate the tech tee's way more. And they're prettier too :) Until next year Mississauga!