Sunday 15 June 2014

Toronto Pearson Runway Run 2014

Yesterday, I did the runway run with my mom. It was pretty chilly in the morning but we both survived. It was the first run since her foot survey and our first run together. Overall I'd the run was successful!

We got to the maintenance building around 8:30 and had great parking! FYI: Stay in the right lane when you go in! We had no problem getting into the gated area with or without a bib. But you weren't allowed on the airstrip without a bib number. When they lead you over to the start line is when they check you and make sure.

When we got there we had to wait a while for a port-a-potty. After that we hung out in the warmer maintenance building. There were a few freebies inside there. On the other side of the building was a gentleman who had a falcon that worked at the airport. So that was neat to see. 
Around 9 o'clock they rounded us all up and walked us over to the starting line.  Then we were off. I ran 4 and 1's but I tried to take pictures of the runway while running and it was hard to time my run properly in my app. Oh how I wish I had a garmin watch.

My mom ran it in 35:07 and I ran it in 33:37. After our run we picked our ribbon colour (purple, yellow, lime green, red, turquoise and navy) for out medal, I choose lime green, and we were on our way to the food!!!

They had bananas, bagels and a TON of freebies to take home with you. Here was everything we could grab:

It could have been a personal best run had I ran consistently the two weeks before the run! But maybe next year. I would definitely do this run again. A little boring but still pretty fun and very cool to run alongside planes!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Pearson Runway Run this weekend!

So I've been terrible with running lately. And by that I mean I've for once in the past two weeks. I got a new teaching gig and it's a bit difficult to run before I get to school in the mornings. Slash I've just gotten lazy. However on Saturday is the Pearson runway run in Toronto and I'm excited for this 5k run. It will be the first run I do with my mom since her foot surgery and I'm looking forward to it. My brother picked up our race kits tonight and this was what we got! A shirt a few munchies and a bag. Not too bad! I'll let you know how it goes!