Tuesday 14 July 2015

Registering for the Glass Slipper Challenge

Today was the day! The clock would strike noon and the mad dash to register for the Glass Slipper Challenge (Disney Princess Half Maratron and 10 KM run) would happen. I was in the midst of a summer teaching course, that I was learning in, so I was able to sneak away to register. It was about 11:30 am when iI decided this half-wifi capable building wasn't going to do the job. So I headed to Tim Hortons. I asked about their wifi and they weren't very confident in it so after buying a small drink I headed to Starbucks just around the corner. I also bought a small drink here, to feel respectable, and plopped down in a comfy chair with my belongings. I opened up the website and kept refreshing on all the social media websites, active.com and rundisney.com so I had the best chance of getting into the Virtual Lineup. At about 12:03 i wa able to find the link and get in line. It only took about 30 seconds until I was on he registration page. Got my GSC registration, complete with GSC pin and I was ready to check in on my mom at home. After we got her 'tech problems' out of the way we were both fully registered. No problem! Both websites were slow refreshing and I did panic a bit thinking the wifi was inadequate but I survived the most stressful part of our 'Disney Princess' journey. :) now to wait until February.

(After about 50 minutes in these were the stats)

We also ordered our 'Princess in training' shirts and shipped them to our lovely relative, Debbie Miller, as they wouldn't ship to Canada. I can't wait to get them and am super grateful for her helping us out! They cost $36 to come out to about $45 each. Still worth it. Looking at the logo of a seahorse on the 5km and the seashell in the 10 km logo makes me think it's a Little Mermaid theme. And I can't be more excited :)