Monday 28 April 2014

Happy Monday!

I did my first morning run today! And I even survived! I am not exactly a morning person, and my stomach doesn't always cooperate early in the mornings either. It wasn't too bad though! The hardest part was waking up at 6:20 to give my stomach enough time to start functioning before I left the house. All went well though and it was nice to be energized for the rest of the day. I also tried out two Sport Beans, because I wanted to test taste them not because I needed them by any means. They're pretty good tasting! I saved the rest for later for a time I would actually require them.

So I've started my 3 and 1's twice now, once on Saturday and once today. My question is, however, that if I do another set of 3 and 1's should I graduate on to 4 and 1's or do I wait the rest of the 'week' to go by before I begin my 4 and 1's. I don't want to push it too fast but I am so anxious to progress and to get into a further run distance. (I'm only running 5 sets of 3 and 1's, that only gets me about 3.2 KM). Time will tell! I might try 4 and 1's on Wednesday or Thursday or something.

For all you runners or non-runners, here is some motivation for you. :) Run while you can. Period.
Happy Monday!

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